By Dr. Wolfgang Kramer
Introduction and Moderation: Aj. Gerhart Schneider; M.Sc.

Download of the complete lecture (video file, MP4-Format, 387 MB).


wolfgang_kramer_-_technological_development_and_globalization_001980A philosophical discussion on the influence of technology and globalization on our life, our world view, on our work and social situation. The two most actual and relevant analysis of the present time and its “technological reality” by the philosophers Günther Anders and Jean Baudrillard are presented by Dr. Wolfgang Kramer, who prepared his Ph.D thesis on this subject.

The essential cause behind globalization – that is the basic assumption by Dr. Kramer – is the digital revolution, especially with regard to communication and transportation technologies, and this revolution changed fundamentally both man and society.

The essential feature of the human environment, changed through reproduction technologies which are applied to working time and leisure, is an extreme acceleration of life processes, and consequently a huge loss of experience and reality.

Technology and globalization of the world in their final stage result not only in social transformation, but also in an anthropological revolution: the modern technologies contain inherently an anthropofugal tendency which aims at overcoming man and rendering him superfluous.




Di., 23.04.2024 von 08.30
bis 15.30 Uhr - Potsdam
Validation. -
mit demenzerkrankten
IWK Potsdam, Fritz-Zubeil-
Str. 14, 14482 Berlin


Mi., 24.004.2024 von 08.30
bis 15.30 Uhr - Potsdam
Aktivierungs- und Be-
schäftigungstherapie für
demenzerkrankte Menschen.
IWK Potsdam, Fritz-Zubeil-
Str. 14, 14482 Potsdam

Do., 25.04.2024 von 08.30
bis 15.30 Uhr - Potsdam
Palliativpflege bei Demenz
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Str.14, 14482 Potsdam

Di., 18.06.2024 von 08.30
bis 15.30 Uhr - Potsdam
IWK Potsdam; Fritz-Zubeil-
Str.14, 14482 Potsdam

Mi., 19.06.2024 von 08.30

bis 15.30 Uhr - Potsdam
Biografiearbeit mit
alten Menschen.

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Str.14, 14482 Potsdam


Do., 20.06.2024 von 08.30
bis 15.30 Uhr - Potsdam
Umgang mit Angst,
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IWK Potsdam; Fritz-Zubeil-
Str.14, 14482 Potsdam